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Edizione originale

Autore: Bob Krone
Titolo: Beyond Earth: The Future of Humans in Space
Anno: 2006
Editore: Collector's Guide Publishing Inc
Link per l'acquisto


"Providing a foundation for space planners and anyone interested in human settlement in the solar system, this book theorizes about the near future, when the heretofore significant steps of humankind—traveling to the moon and building space stations—will be dwarved by new progress. Scholars and scientists raise and answer such questions as Why does space matter to us? What will ordinary life be like in space? and What will our homes be like on Mars or the Moon? This collection of findings by professionals documents important research, laying the bricks for space-faring civilizations and even consults future space-dwellers—kids—for their visions. Working from the assumption that humankind has a biological need to explore and improve the quality of life, the wide variety of contributors successfully argue that space as a future human habitat is not simply possible, but manifest."

"Bob Krone, PhD, is a former U.S. Air Force jet pilot, commander, headquarters personnel officer, and chief of the nuclear policy section of NATO. He is an emeritus professor of systems management at the University of Southern California, a distinguished visiting professor in the school of business at La Sierra University, and an adjunct professor for doctoral programs for the International Graduate School of Business at the University of South Australia. He is also a member of the Aerospace Technology Working Group. He lives in Fallbrook, California."


Economia, tecnologia, politica, biologia, psicologia dell'espansione nello spazio.


tecnologia, tecnica, space, spazio, economics, economia, politics, politica, militare, military, psicologia, psychology, luna, marte, O' Neill, stazione spaziale, missile, NASA, esplorazione, astronautica, colonizzazione, colony,



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