Ricerca per parole chiave

Ordina l'esito della ricerca (chiave = robotics) per:

ostile | rating | titolo | autore | anno | H+ | genere | lingua | presenza di edizione italiana
positivo o neutro ***** 1 - Ed.orig.: The Singularity Is Near. When Human Transcend Biology, Ray Kurzweil (2005)  Viking [english] - saggistica, H+
ostile ***** 2 - Ed.orig.: Enough : Staying Human in an Engineered Age, Bill McKibben (2004)  Owl Books [english] - saggistica, H+
positivo o neutro ***** 3 - Ed.orig.: Citizen Cyborg, James J. Hughes (2004)  Westview Press [english] - saggistica, H+
positivo o neutro ***** 4 - Ed.orig.: Technophobia!: Science Fiction Visions of Posthuman Technology, Daniel Dinello (2006)  University of Texas Press [english] - saggistica, H+
positivo o neutro ***** 5 - Ed.orig.: Nanotechnology: Science, Innovation, and Opportunity, Lynn E. Foster (2005)  Prentice Hall PTR [english] - saggistica, H+
positivo o neutro **** 6 - Ed.orig.: Mind Children: The Future of Robot and Human Intelligence, Hans Moravec (1990)  Harvard University Press [english] - saggistica, H+
positivo o neutro **** 7 - Ed.orig.: The Age of the Spiritual Machines: When Computers Exceed Human Intelligence, Ray Kurzweil (2000)  Penguin [english] - saggistica, H+
positivo o neutro **** 8 - Ed.orig.: Robot: Mere Machine to Transcendent Mind, Moravec (2006)  Oxford University Press [english] - saggistica, H+
positivo o neutro *** 9 - Ed.orig.: Digital People: From Bionic Humans to Androids, Sidney Perkowitz (2005)  Joseph Henry Press [english] - saggistica, H+
positivo o neutro ** 10 - Ed.orig.: The Intelligent Universe: AI, ET, and the Emerging Mind of the Cosmos, James N. Gardner (2007)  New Page Books [english] - saggistica, H+
positivo o neutro ** 11 - Ed.orig.: Digital People: From Bionic Humans to Androids, Sidney Perkowitz (2004)  Joseph Henry Press [english] - saggistica, H+
ostile * 12 - Ed.orig.: From Human to Posthuman: Christian Theology And Technology in a Postmodern World, Brent Waters (2006)  Ashgate Publishing [english] - saggistica, H+
positivo o neutro * 13 - Ed.orig.: Flesh and Machines: How Robots Will Change Us, Rodney Brooks (2002)  Pantheon [english] - saggistica, H+
positivo o neutro * 14 - Ed.orig.: The Fourth Discontinuity: The Co-Evolution of Humans and Machines, Bruce Mazlish (1995)  Yale University Press [english] - saggistica, H+
positivo o neutro * 15 - Ed.orig.: Robo sapiens: Evolution of a New Species, Peter Menzel (2001)  The MIT Press [italiano] - saggistica, H+
positivo o neutro * 16 - Ed.orig.: Designer Evolution: A Transhumanist Manifesto, Simon Young (2005)  Prometheus Books [english] - saggistica, H+