Ricerca per parole chiave

Ordina l'esito della ricerca (chiave = culture) per:

ostile | rating | titolo | autore | anno | H+ | genere | lingua | presenza di edizione italiana
positivo o neutro ***** 1 - Ed.orig.: Posthumanism (Readers in Cultural Criticism), Neil Badmington (Editor) (2000)  Palgrave Macmillan2000 [english] - saggistica, H+
positivo o neutro ***** 2 - Ed.orig.: Create/Recreate: The 3rd Millennial Culture, Natasha Vita-More (2002)  TAC [english] - saggistica, H+
positivo o neutro ***** 3 - Ed.orig.: Nanotechnology: Science, Innovation, and Opportunity, Lynn E. Foster (2005)  Prentice Hall PTR [english] - saggistica, H+
positivo o neutro ***** 4 - Ed.orig.: Rapture: How Biotech Became the New Religion. A Raucous Tour of Cloning, Transhumanism, and the New Era of Immortality, Brian Alexander  Basic Books / Perseus Book Group [english] - saggistica, H+
positivo o neutro **** 5 - Ed.orig.: Les utopies posthumaines. Contre-culture, cyberculture, culture du caos, Rémi Sussan (2005)  Omniscience [fran�ais] - saggistica, H+
ostile *** 6 - Ed.orig.: L'epoca del postumano. Lezione magistrale per il compleanno di Pietro Ingrao, Pietro Barcellona (2007)  Città Aperta [italiano] - saggistica, H+
ostile *** 7 - Ed.orig.: Nano-Hype: The Truth Behind the Nanotechnology Buzz, David M. Berube (2005)  Prometheus Books [english] - saggistica, H+
positivo o neutro *** 8 - Ed.orig.: Cyborg Citizen: Politics in the Posthuman Age, Chris Habl Gray (2002)  Routledge [english] - saggistica, H+
positivo o neutro *** 9 - Ed.orig.: Digital People: From Bionic Humans to Androids, Sidney Perkowitz (2005)  Joseph Henry Press [english] - saggistica, H+
ostile *** 10 - Ed.orig.: The Case against Perfection: Ethics in the Age of Genetic Engineering, Michael J. Sandel (2007)  Belknap Press [english] - saggistica, H+
ostile ** 11 - Ed.orig.: Digital Soul: Intelligent Machines and Human Values, Thomas M. Georges (2003)  Westview Press [italiano] - saggistica, H+
positivo o neutro ** 12 - Ed.orig.: Unbounding the Future: The Nanotechnology Revolution, Eric Drexler and Chris Peterson (1993)  Quill [english] - saggistica, H+
positivo o neutro ** 13 - Ed.orig.: Out of Control: The New Biology of Machines, Social Systems and the Economic World, Kevin Kelly (1995)  Perseus Books Group [english] - saggistica, H+
positivo o neutro * 14 - Ed.orig.: Tomorrow Now: Envisioning the Next 50 Years, Bruce Sterling (2003)  Random House [english] - saggistica, H+
ostile * 15 - Ed.orig.: Basic Questions on Genetics, Stem Cell Research and Cloning: Are These Technologies Okay to Use?, John Kilner (2002)  Kregel Publications [english] - saggistica, H+
positivo o neutro * 16 - Ed.orig.: Designer Evolution: A Transhumanist Manifesto, Simon Young (2005)  Prometheus Books [english] - saggistica, H+
positivo o neutro **** 17 - Ed.orig.: Umanità Accresciuta, Giuseppe Granieri (2008)  Laterza [italiano] - saggistica, C
positivo o neutro *** 18 - Ed.orig.: Simians, Cyborgs, and Women: The Reinvention of Nature, Donna J. Haraway (1991)  Routledge [english] - saggistica, C
positivo o neutro ** 19 - Ed.orig.: Breaking the Spell: Religion as a Natural Phenomenon, Daniel C. Dennett (2007)  Penguin [english] - saggistica, C
positivo o neutro ** 20 - Ed.orig.: Plants, Power and Profit. Social, Economical and Ethical Consequences of the New Biotechnologies, Lawrence Busch et al. (1991)  Basil Blackwell [english] - saggistica, C
positivo o neutro ** 21 - Ed.orig.: African American Bioethics: Culture, Race, and Identity, Lawrence J., Jr., M.d. Prograis (Editor), Edmund D. Pellegrino (Editor) (2007)  Georgetown University Press [english] - saggistica, C
positivo o neutro * 22 - Ed.orig.: Third Culture: Beyond the Scientific Revolution, John Brockman, ed. (1996)  Touchstone [english] - saggistica, C
positivo o neutro * 23 - Ed.orig.: Bioethics: The Ethics of Evolution and Genetic Interference, H. F. Matare (1999)  Bergin & Garvey [english] - saggistica, C
positivo o neutro * 24 - Ed.orig.: L'Affaire Lyssenko, Joël et Dan Kotek (1986)  Éditions Complexe [fran�ais] - saggistica, C
positivo o neutro * 25 - Ed.orig.: Faster: The Acceleration of Just About Everything, James Gleick (2000)  Vintage [english] - saggistica, C